I think I"m finally getting better!! At least I don't think I'd have to die to get better anymore. I hate the med.s thought. They make my diuretic act over time and I've had to go to de-cafe coffee (yuck) but I need to feel like I'm normal so pretend it's the real stuff.
Now you know I don't quilt but I do love to work with felt. So have a look at this!! It a give away over at So many quilts, so little time.
http://fatesdesigns.blogspot.com/2010/08/another-one-bites-dust-and-little.htmlIsn't that the cutest thing you've seen for fall?? If I don't win it I'm going to ask for the pattern. It looks like WDW wool or close enough and I have all those zinc jar tops to use up it just might fit.
Thanks for visiting. Pleaseee leave a message !! I just love 'em.
Warm almost fall Hugs