My picture is a little crocked but every thing above the white paper is for January. A fairly heave month of frogging. {sigh} And February is starting out the same way. I've been working on

Raise the Roof Designs, Christmasland this week. I thought I would make great progress but a lass not to be. Tuesday was inclement weather so I stayed home but needed to finish organizing my charts and books. Wednesday morning was the same except some time during the night the motor to the heater fan died. DH bought a few parts to tried to fix it but we ended up waiting for the repair man to come at 4:30 pm. By 6:00 pm we had heat. trying to bring the house back to 69 degrees from 53 degrees, when the temp. outside was 12 degrees, was a long process. By Thursday morning it was nice and toasty again just in time to go back to work.
Stitching with gloves and two comforters on just didn't happen. I ended up sleeping until it was supper time. We had soup.. what else.
Thanks for stopping by
Hope you have a blessed day