Thursday, December 30, 2010

TUSAL & Winter Box & Up for the Challenge

I'm posting from DH's computer because mine is still at the puter Dr. I was careless and acquired a scam program I couldn't get rid of so off he went to someone more qualified to cure him.

I've joined the TUSAL. I must find a new container as my last one is full, full, full. However I'll have a good start by January 4, 2011.

I've finished the top and sides of Winter Box but no pictures as my camera does not interface with DH's computer.

My other commitment for 2011 is " Up for the Challenge" I've picked my 15 UFO?WIP's to finish stitching for 2011. As follows:
  1. Lavender and Lace, Fairy Grandmother, designer: Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum
  2. Victoria Sampler, Winter Box, designer: Thea Dueck
  3. Little House Needleworks, State fair, designer: Diane Williams
  4. Just a Thought, Mary Wigham 1790, Wardrobe, designer: Judy Odell
  5. With My Needle, Mrs. Waddelow’s Needlework Basket, designer: Ellen Chester
  6. Cross-Stitch & Needlework, Patriotic Angel Tote, designer: Joan Elliott
  7. The Stitching Parlor, Liberty Tin Sewing Box, designer: Clara L Blalock
  8. Little House Needleworks, Traveling Stitcher, designer: Diane Williams
  9. Raise the Roof Designs, Christmasland (5parts), designer: Theresa Venette
  10. The Prairie Schooler, Christmas Eve, designer: Pamela Byrd Smith.
  11. Lee Albrecht Designs, Beautiful Bag, designer: Lee Albrecht
  12. Portarrollos, designer: Mamen Carpacar.
  13. Brooke’s Books Publishing, Hannah The Happy, designer: Brooke Nolan
  14. Black Bird Designs, Wild Rose Journal, designer: Alma Allen
  15. Les grilles de Maryse, Stitcher’s Tray, Maryse

I hope everyone has a wondrous great New Years Eve and a Happy New Year.

Thanks for stopping by.. Please leave a message.. I love hearing from you.

Happy Stitching



Kathy said...

I too have joined the challenge. You have some pretty pieces in your list. it will be fun watching those finishes pile up. I hope. :)

Happy New Year!

Wrought By LaDonna said...

Happy New Year! Good luck with the challenge.

Lee Albrecht said...

Desejo que o seu ano de 2011! seje repleto d emuita saúde, paz, harmonia. E é sempre bom termos projetos começados ...mas é muito mais gratificante quando terminamos.
Um grande beijo

Patty C. said...

I just recently did traveling stitcher - You will like this one :)

Crystal Digitizing said...

wonderful desigsn embroidery digitizing usa ^%